
Editing & Proofreading

Manuscript Critique

  • Memo only, with feedback on plot, characters, voice; suggestions to improve the narrative: starts at 3 cents/word

  • Memo plus in-manuscript feedback (comments in the margins) and one-hour video call: starts at 4 cents/word


  • Proofreading: Final read of manuscript to check for errors in copy and layout. Starts at 2.5 cents/word


  • Line Edit: Focuses on writing style and language at micro, sentence and paragraph level. Focus is on flow, consistency in voice and tone, clarity, choice of words (i.e. checks for cliches, incorrect usage, etc). Starts at 5 cents/word.

  • Copyedit: Corrects spelling, grammar, punctuation. Ensures consistency, typically using Chicago Manual of Style as the style guide. Starts at 3 cents/word.

Developmental Edit

In-depth critique of manuscript. Includes video calls at beginning and end, with detailed feedback on flow, form, style, and the overall narrative. Similar to coaching, but with less interaction.

Coaching & Developmental Editing


Customized package includes a kickoff call to draft an outline and writing plan, recorded Zoom calls, and feedback along the way. Usually starts early in the process to enable chapter-by-chapter critique and discussion.


Mini books: Fee starts at $7,500 for 50-page manuscript

  • Mini Memoirs, Business Books, Etc

  • Includes recorded interviews, basic research as necessary, basic formatting

Short books: Fee range $15,000-$25,000 for 80-100 page manuscript

  • Short autobiography/family legacy story, etc.

  • Includes recorded interviews, basic research, basic formatting

Ghostwriting: Mini Books & Short Books

Ghostwriting: Mini Books & Short Books

Full-Length Books, Nonfiction: Fee starts at $20,000 for 120-200 page manuscript

  • Memoir/Autobiography

  • Business

  • Hybrid business and memoir

  • Includes recorded interviews, research, basic formatting

“Karin brought so much clarity; she made it easy. I didn't have to do all the redrafting I thought I was going to have to, because she would come in and she would just ask the questions so that I could clarify certain points.

So creating the rewrites was really easy because I knew exactly what needed to be answered or straightened out. It was really wonderful.”

— Pam Hamilton,; co-author, “Get Past Your Sh*t.”

“Karin helped me share my story in a way that really can draw attention to what I really wanted to get out into the world. That was truly a powerful experience.”

— Maruxa Murphy, CEO and Founder/Principal Community Architect, Revolutionary Communities

“I knew that if I was going to get my mission out there, get this book out there, that I needed to collaborate with a professional. So I decided to work with Karin, and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made in my business to date.

… What Karin did is actually extracted stuff that I don’t know I would have come up with on my own. I don’t know if I would have understood the significance for either the flow of the book or to build connection with my reader. And so in those conversations with Karin, she asked me really great questions and was very thoughtful with how she listened and how she followed up to make sure she was really getting to the soul of what I wanted to share in this book.”

— Lauren Golden, online business and performance coach; CEO The Free Mama; Bestselling Author, “The Free Mama”

The Results

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